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Welcome to my blog

Friday 19 September 2014

Week Three

                                                #1- Never confuse education with intelligence

The picture above is a sign on a little house downtown on battery road. I walk this road a lot on my way to the signal hill trail. It is the prettiest street for so many different reasons. It is unique and there is so many cool things to see, like this sign. I took this picture when I was having a really bad day. Final exams of my graduating year were starting the next week and I was so stressed out because these marks were what was going to determine if I could get into university or not. When I saw this sign, I just stood there looking at it for a minute and it made me relax. Never confuse education with intelligence. It is true. Sometimes we think the marks we get in school determine how smart we are but that is so wrong. Some of the most successful people in the world didn't even graduate high school. Everyone has their own level of intelligence and no exam will be able to determine that for someone.

                                              #2 -White water rafting

This is a picture of one of the funnest and funniest days of my summer. Me and three of my best friends drove to Grand-Falls Windsor to go white water rafting. When we planned it, it was beautiful and warm like July was, little did we know August was going to be awful. The day we went was one of the coldest days of the summer and we almost got hypothermia. Five hours on the water, wearing a wet suit, fleece hoodie, wind breaker and a life jacket.... We were still soaked and freezing. Even though it definitely could of been nicer out, it was still one of the funnest days ever. We laughed the entire time and we made a lot of new friends in the process. I'd love to do it again but maybe next time I'll check the weather network first.


  1. I love the pictures you have chosen to share. I too have seen the sign "Never Confuse Education with Intelligence", and I love the meaning of the image you have shared. I also enjoyed the second picture as the story made me laugh. I love your blog!

  2. Agreeing with the first comment, and more so because I lived in the Battery for a couple years. If I remember right, it's the Sparkes's house with this sign. Good work on this post...

  3. White water rafting seems so much fun! Personally I have only ever kayaked, would love to try rafting. It seems less...stable, and more adrenaline-packed.
