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Thursday 23 October 2014

Week Eight

Dear 8AM Math Class,

I can't decide how I feel about you. Some days, you are so convenient, but other days you are a nightmare. The worst sound in the world is hearing my alarm go off at 630 in the morning when it's time to wake up and get ready for you. I know it is my fault, I chose to be with you, I could of picked another time slot but you seemed like the best fit at the moment. Now I am questioning my decision... I can not seem to wake myself up half of the time to come to you and when I do, it is hard to concentrate because I am always so tired. I try sleeping earlier in the night time but it still never seems to be enough. I thought you would be so good for me, I enjoy having shorter days and being done by lunch time, I also like getting you over with first thing in my day (no offence). I feel like the relationship we have is going in the wrong direction and we need to make a change. I know I have made some mistakes here, like doing bad on the first test you gave me and dozing off every now and then but we can try our best and get through this. I promise to start coming every day and being my lively, concentrated self if you promise to please be nicer to me on my next midterm. If we keep these promises I think we can make it.


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